Medical Billing Software Reviews

Medical billing software reviews should be written by people who actually use the software, but that is not often the case. Software reviews are usually sales tools used by vendors. They list the features and tout all the "bells and whistles" but whether the software actually delivers a bang for your buck is another story.

It takes usage over time to properly evaluate software nuances or make judgments about features and performance. The advantage of a good program feature may be lost if it takes ten mouse clicks to use it.

If you intend to buy software for your practice or billing service, I encourage you to read  my articles on medical billing software. I provide you with a detailed list of features to look for and tips on buying software.

Since the purpose of this site is to help you save time and money, and, "keep it real," we review only practice management software we have actually used.

Our first review is on TotalMD. It offers a web-based solution as well as desktop software with an integrated EHR which is a huge plus. It is reasonably priced and a good choice for the 1-5 provider practice. This software is similar to the popular software, Medisoft Patient Accounting. We like it because it is intuitive and easy to learn. The technical support is good and interconnectivity to other products and electronic services. 

Our second review is on Medisoft which is popular and widely used desktop software. It is a mature product that was developed in the late 80's. While the software has changed hands several times over the years, it has maintained its value added reseller (VAR) program, consequently, there are many experienced Medisoft trainers and salespeople (like us) that are available to help new users. The software is reasonably priced and relatively simple to use which makes it a good choice for the 1-5 provider practices.

Our next review is on Practice Mate which is a free web-based program integrated with the clearinghouse, Office Ally. It offers basic medical billing features useful for very small practices.

Our last review is on the popular high end, web-based software AdvancedMD. This product is a very mature practice management system. It has the features needed for larger group practices including batch processing, claims manager, denial tracking, and collections module. It has a long learning curve but is well suited for high volume practices.

When it comes to software, there is no "one size fits all" because every practice has different needs. That's why it is critical that decision makers buying practice management or electronic health records software do their research prior to scheduling demonstrations. Reading medical billing software reviews is a good place to start.

We believe that good software doesn't have to cost a fortune, therefore, the medical billing software reviews on this site will be limited to reasonably priced software. Please keep in mind that reasonable pricing is relative to the features the software offers.