Tips & Tools for Medical Billing

When it comes to medical billing, what's the one thing healthcare professionals never have enough of? ...... TIME. What's the most important thing a small medical practice must do to survive? .....

That's the purpose of this site; to save your medical practice or billing service TIME and MONEY. Here are the services we offer:


Starting a medical billing home business doesn't have to cost you a fortune. Take advantage of all the FREE information on this site to help you get started.

TotalMD icon

We sell TotalMD online software for your medical billing service or practice. Watch our videos to see how this great software will help you save time and money!


Take advantage of the practice management  tips we've gathered from our most successful clients. Improve your bottom line with our medical billing collection tips. Find out how to hire the best receptionist and much more.

medical billing software review

Take a look at our detailed medical billing software reviews Find out what questions to ask when buying medical billing software and EHR. Buy what fits your needs and your pocketbook.

medical billing home business

Ask about our medical billing services. Let our years of experience work for your practice.

About The Author: My name is Janice Humphries. I have over 20 years' experience as a medical biller and software trainer. Our company provides medical billing services for small practices and training services for new billers. This site is a compilation of my own medical billing experiences and those of our many clients and colleagues.

The following are links to the main topics of our site.

Start A Medical Billing Home Business the Affordable Way
Avoid scams. Start your medical billing home business using these valuable tips of the trade.
TotalMD - medical billing software - practice management system
TotalMD is feature rich medical billing software, available on the web on a price that can't be beat.
Medical Billing Software | Practice Management Software | TotalMD | Medisoft
Purchasing medical billing software for your medical office or billing service is one of the most important decisions you will make. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice.
Medical Billing Software Reviews
Read these comprehensive medical billing software reviews to find out which one gives you the most bang for your buck!
Medical Coding
Get information and tips about medical coding from other medical billers.
Medical Billing and Coding
What training on medical billing and coding do I need? This article gives you cost effective tips on how to get training.
Medical Billing Information - Terms - Resources - Coding Help
Visit this page to find bits and pieces of downloadable medical billing information to help you in your practice or billing service. Use this page as a resource for medical billing terms.
Medical Practice Management
Good medical practice management is essential for today's small medical practice. Explore ways to improve efficiency and increase your revenue.
Medical Billing Services - Santa Rosa, CA
Use our medical billing services to improve the cash flow for your practice! We also handle insurance credentialing, staff training and much more!
Medical Billing Blog
Find all topics and real world examples related to medical billing.
Contact Us
Contact us for help with your medical billing, software needs, or training.